collected by
Transition, metamorphosis, passage, change - all metaphors for the pattern of human existence. If Erick Erickson is right, these processes have different subject matter over time and are structural in nature. Dichotomy rules - intimacy vs isolation - love and affiliation vs exclusivity - generativity v stagnation. In old age integrity v despair. However, you look at it, change is the order of the day. The personal trajectories summarized below are progressive and generative, fully human. Lives to be celebrated.
Adrian de Hoog | Carole Paintin | Eleanor McKinnon | Henry Champ | James Ehnes |
JRC Evans | Lyle Dick | Peggy Sharpe | Ruth Bingham | Trent Frayne |
S.J. McKee Archives
Brandon University
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ISSN 1708-721X